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After the successful first Summer School on Document Image Processing (IDIPS 2013), (  p.13-14) the second Summer School on Document Image Processing (IDIPS2014) aims to provide both an objective overview and an in-depth analysis of the state-of-the-art of the Document Analysis Systems (DAS) and their current open issues. The courses will be delivered by world-renowned researchers in the field and relevant companies, covering both theoretical and practical aspects of real problems of Document Analysis Systems, as well as examples of successful applications.

This year, the school aims to provide an attractive opportunity for 40 young researchers, post-graduate and PhD students. The participants will benefit from direct interaction and discussions with the renowned speakers and practice on real problems. The researchers will also have the opportunity to present the results of their scientific research, and interact with their colleagues in a friendly and constructive atmosphere.


The Summer School is hosted on the beautiful island of Fourni which ensures quiet and beautiful environment, with quality food services and housing, which would enjoy the students and lecturers, while the participants will have the opportunity to experience the Greek hospitality. Please watch the video ( made by our ex-participant Potchara  Pruksasri in order to catch the atmosphere.