Frank LeBourgeois is a senior researcher from LIRIS laboratory from INSA Lyon (France) since 1992. He is specialized in the domain of Document Images Analysis (DIA) and its works cover a wide range of applications in the domain of document imaging. With more than 25 years of experience in this field, he has published more than 70 international papers in international conferences and journals and has served in numerous program committees of international and national conferences. He is reviewer of international journals and international conferences of the domain. Since 2000, he has participated to several international projects : DEBORA(2001) Digital AccEss to BOoks of the RenAissance, European project for a better access to early printed documents of the Renaissance, VECMAS (2011) Valorisation of Arabic Manuscripts from Timbuktu, PHC VOLUBILIS (2014) Mathematical Models applied to robust recognition of texts in natural images and digital videos, GUWENSHIBIE   (2015) Recognition of Historical Chinese Manuscripts with Tsinghua university of Beijing, several public national projects, MADONNE (2006) MAsse de DOnnees issues de la Numerisation du patrimoiNE, GRAPHEM (2011) Grapheme based Retrieval and Analysis for PaleograpHic Expertise of Middle Age manuscripts, for digital Palaeography assistance, DIGIDOC (2014) Document Image diGitisation with Interactive DescriptiOn Capability, ORIFLAMMS (2015) Analysis on Multilingual Medieval manuscripts, DREAM (2015) : Digital Restoration of mEdievAl Manuscripts CNRS. He also participates directly to several industrial projects since 2000 : BookRestorer (2001) with I2S for post processing solution to restore scanned documents, RASADE (2003) with EVER TEAM for an   Automatic Recognition of structures of documents, CESA (2008) with VINCI group for the Improvement of postal mail sorting system, MEDIABOX (2011) with SPIGRAPH for advertisement detection in digitized press, DOD (2015) Documents On Demand with ITESOFT for Business documents recognition, OZALID (2015) with ORANGE for Crowdsourcing to correct errors of the OCR with the French National Library. He has co-supervised 12 PhD during the past years in the field of documents imaging until today. He actually employs 3 Post Doc on different Research projects. He is a co-founder of the start-up CORENUM in 2009 and he participates to the implementation of LibCrn and PLEIAD platforms for researchers.