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The ancient suburb of Santa Severina, is situated in a beautiful panoramic position overlooking the Neto Valley, not too distance from the Jonic coasts near to Crotone.
The centre was founded by the Enotrians and during the Magno-Greek era, it was cited by the name of Siberene (V century BC) by Ecateo di Mileto. The name was then probably changed to Severiana during Roman times and then to Severina.
Under the Byzantines it acquired more strategic importance by becoming a Kástron in defence of the territory (VIII century AD), which however, didn’t stop it been besieged and taken by the Saracens (840), then in ‘866, it had to succumb to Byzantine troops commanded by General Niceforo Foca.
Santa Severina remained in the Eastern Roman Empire until 1076, the year in which it was taken by the Normans of Robert Guiscard after two years of besiegement.
Under the Normans, construction of the new Castle began and the changeover from Greek to Latin rituals.
With the advent of the Angioinians (1269), a decision was made to construct the Cathedral (1274-95).
In the XV century, under Aragonese domination, an Albanese community came to Santa Severina in escape from Turkish persecution.
A visit to Santa Severina is accompanied by incredible panoramic views overlooking the Neto Valley.
Noteworthy urban and architectonic elements remain in testimony to the past. The Grecia and Ludea districts tell of the presence of the Byzantines and Jews (until 1510).
The Castle, among the most beautiful in Calabria, is situated in the main square with its square keep (donjon) crowned by four cylindrical towers. Digs have brought to light some Byzantine, Roman and Greek material, therefore unveiling the urban importance of the place during various eras.
In comparison with the Castle, one can admire the S. Anastasia Cathedral (1274-95), reconstructed in 1705. It preserves its original portal. The Baptistry is adjacent to it (VIII-IX century), with its 13th century portal; one of the oldest monuments of Calabria.
Among the other noteworthy religious buildings, we would like to point out: the Santa Filomena Church (XI-XII century) and the Addolorata Church, which encompasses architectonic elements from the ancient Cathedral (1036) of Santa Severina.
Place of interest
- Castello Normanno (XI sec.)
- Cattedrale di S. Anastasia (1274-95)
- Chiesa dell'Addolorata ('700 su edificio del 1036)
- Chiesa di Santa Filomena (XI sec.)
- Chiesa dell'Ospedale
- Visita di Scandale
- Visita di Petilia Policastro
- Visita di Belcastro
- Visita di Mesoraca
- Museo Diocesano
- Museo Archeologico - Castello
- Centro Documentazioni e Studi castelli e Fortificazioni di Calabria - Castello
- Centro di cultura orientale LALEO - Castello

Latest revision as of 17:09, 16 June 2013

The ancient suburb of Santa Severina, is situated in a beautiful panoramic position overlooking the Neto Valley, not too distance from the Jonic coasts near to Crotone.

The centre was founded by the Enotrians and during the Magno-Greek era, it was cited by the name of Siberene (V century BC) by Ecateo di Mileto. The name was then probably changed to Severiana during Roman times and then to Severina.

Under the Byzantines it acquired more strategic importance by becoming a Kástron in defence of the territory (VIII century AD), which however, didn’t stop it been besieged and taken by the Saracens (840), then in ‘866, it had to succumb to Byzantine troops commanded by General Niceforo Foca. Santa Severina remained in the Eastern Roman Empire until 1076, the year in which it was taken by the Normans of Robert Guiscard after two years of besiegement.

Under the Normans, construction of the new Castle began and the changeover from Greek to Latin rituals.

With the advent of the Angioinians (1269), a decision was made to construct the Cathedral (1274-95).

In the XV century, under Aragonese domination, an Albanese community came to Santa Severina in escape from Turkish persecution.

A visit to Santa Severina is accompanied by incredible panoramic views overlooking the Neto Valley. Noteworthy urban and architectonic elements remain in testimony to the past. The Grecia and Ludea districts tell of the presence of the Byzantines and Jews (until 1510).

The Castle, among the most beautiful in Calabria, is situated in the main square with its square keep (donjon) crowned by four cylindrical towers. Digs have brought to light some Byzantine, Roman and Greek material, therefore unveiling the urban importance of the place during various eras.

In comparison with the Castle, one can admire the S. Anastasia Cathedral (1274-95), reconstructed in 1705. It preserves its original portal. The Baptistry is adjacent to it (VIII-IX century), with its 13th century portal; one of the oldest monuments of Calabria.

Among the other noteworthy religious buildings, we would like to point out: the Santa Filomena Church (XI-XII century) and the Addolorata Church, which encompasses architectonic elements from the ancient Cathedral (1036) of Santa Severina.

Place of interest

- Castello Normanno (XI sec.) - Cattedrale di S. Anastasia (1274-95) - Chiesa dell'Addolorata ('700 su edificio del 1036) - Chiesa di Santa Filomena (XI sec.) - Chiesa dell'Ospedale - Visita di Scandale - Visita di Petilia Policastro - Visita di Belcastro - Visita di Mesoraca


- Museo Diocesano - Museo Archeologico - Castello - Centro Documentazioni e Studi castelli e Fortificazioni di Calabria - Castello - Centro di cultura orientale LALEO - Castello